
Forest, Cave, Mountain, 2011
HD films, digital; 05'07" / 03'59" / 04'02"
Three cinematic portraits of contemporary Japanese architecture: Forest rhythmically foregrounds the remarkable structural design of Ishigami's "KAIT Workshop" while revealing pockets of amorphous work space; Cave demonstrates tiered interior habitation and communication between architecture and nature of Fujimoto's "Final Wooden House"; and Mountain follows the peaks and crevasses of Hirata's "alp" which shape the living spaces of a multi-family Tokyo residence.

Produced by Maris Mezulis Studio and Naomi Shibata. Music by Le Tone. Exhibited as part of Architecture As A Piece Of Nature at Spazio FMG Gallery (Milan), April 2011; and screened at Camera Japan Festival (Rotterdam), January 2014.